Conference Agenda

Friday May 2nd: 4pm to 7:30pm EST
4pm to 5:30pm Navigating HRT A Naturopathic Framework for Patient Care
by Dr. Emma Pollon-MacLeod ND 

1.5 Cat A Credits in Pharmacology (CONO)

1.5 Cat F Credits (CNPBC)

Refreshment Break – 30 min (Dinner Provided)
6pm to 7:30pm Polypharmacy Awareness;
Understanding the Risks and Realities
by Dr. Adam Livingston, PharmD, B.Sc. (Hons), RPh.

1.5 Cat A Credits in Pharmacology (CONO)

1.5 Cat F Credits (CNPBC)

Saturday May 3rd: 9am to 5pm EST


9am to 1030am
Trauma and the Body:
Integrating Mind-Body Healing in Clinical Practice
by Dr. Sat Dharam Kaur ND
1.5 Cat A Credits Pending (CONO)
10 min presentation by BioClinic Naturals + Tradeshow & Refreshment Break Sponsored by BioClinic Naturals
11am to 1230pm Mitochondrial Dynamics:
Protocols for Enhanced ATP Production

by Dr. Bryan Rade ND
1.5 Cat A Credits  (CONO)
Lunchtime  (Lunch Provided)
1:30pm to 3pm Unraveling Dysmenorrhea:
A TCM Approach for Naturopathic Practice

by Drew Nesbitt R.TCMP, R.Ac.
1.5 Cat A Credits (CONO)
10 min presentation by BioMed + Tradeshow & Refreshment Break
3:30pm to 5:30pm Evidence-Based Strategies for Addressing Sleep Disturbances in Clinical Practice
by Dr. Leigha Saunders ND
2.0 Cat A Credits (CONO)


Sunday, May 4th: 9am to 5pm EST
 9am to 10:30am Navigating Immunotherapy Theory & Practice for Optimal Patient Outcomes
by Dr. Bryan Rade ND
1.5 Cat A Credits (CONO)
Tradeshow & Refreshment Break
11am to 12:30pm Probiotic Insights Evaluating Evidence and Enhancing Patient Care
by Dragana Skokovic-Sunjic BScPhm RPh MSCP
1.5 Cat A Credits (CONO)
Lunchtime (Lunch Provided)
1:30pm to 3:00pm Beyond Fatigue: A Clinical Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
by Dr. Liam LaTouche ND
1.5 Cat A Credits (CONO)
Tradeshow & Refreshment Break
 3:30pm to 5pm From Diagnosis to Care: Comprehensive Strategies for Managing Hypermobile Patients
by Dr. Kirsten Perley ND

1.5 Cat A Credits (CONO)

Conference Sponsors