Paul earned his PhD at Duke University in forest ecology, his ND at Canadian College   of Naturopathic Medicine and completed a homeopathic residency at National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon, earning a second ND. He is Professor of Materia Medica and Clinical Medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine; Senior Naturopathic Doctor, Beaumont Health System, Troy Hospital, Michigan; Adjunct Professor of Integrative Medicine Oakland University, William Beaumont Medical School; and has a private practice in Dundas, Ontario.

At the 2023 Collaborative Education Conference Dr. Saunders will present a discussion on
Adrenal & Thyroid: Labs, Relationships and Treatments

Learning Objectives
1. Interpret adrenal lab test from Ontario
2. Interpret thyroid lab test from Ontario
3. Clinical significance of DHEAS
4. Clinical significance of cortisol
5. Electrolytes: role in adrenal testing
6. Electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and their role in thyroid testing
7. Limitations of testing adrenal and thyroid testing in Ontaro
8. Role of hygiene in adrenal and thyroid health
9. Diet, nutrients and botanicals for adrenal and thyroid support
10. Glandular support for adrenal and thyroid function