Dr. Jean-Jacques Dugoua ND PhD
Dr. Jean-Jacques Dugoua, or Dr. JJ as he is affectionately known, is a naturopathic doctor, clinical pharmacologist and researcher. He is the Chief Medical Officer of the Liberty Clinic in downtown Toronto and the first Naturopathic Doctor (ND) to practice at the Toronto Western Hospital Artist Health Center, one of the few NDs practicing in a hospital in Canada. He has done research with the Motherisk Program at Sick Kids Hospital and was an Associate Professor (Status Only) at the University of Toronto Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy. Dr. JJ completed his PhD in Pharmacy Sciences at the University of Toronto. As part of his PhD research, Dr. JJ investigated the safety of natural products during pregnancy and lactation at the Sick Kids Hospital and conducted a clinical trial on the effects of cinnamon on type 2 diabetes at the Toronto Western Hospital and the Centre Universitaire de Sherbrooke. Dr. JJ is a co-author of “Herbal Medicines in Pregnancy and Lactation – An Evidence-based Approach First Edition” (Taylor & Francis, 2006) and contributing author to “Clinical Pharmacology During Pregnancy” (Academic Press 2012) and “Diabetes: An old disease, new insight” (Landes 2012). Dr. JJ has many peer-reviewed scientific publications published or in press. He is a world expert on natural health products pharmacology and pregnancy safety. Local and nationwide print and television media frequently consult him to provide expert commentary. Dr. JJ is an avid public speaker. He has given many presentations to pharmacists, medical professionals, government, academics, artists and musicians, students, teachers, cancer survivors and the general public. Dr. JJ has also given presentations internationally, including presentations at the World Health Organization in Washington DC.
At CECon24 Dr. JJ will be presenting The Genesis of Auto-immunity: Pharmacologic and Naturopathic agents